Philipp Gufler explores matters of queer imagery, questioning the Western historiography, in which heterosexuality and a binary gender system define the social norm. In his artistic practice he uses various media, including silkscreen-printing on fabrics and mirrors, artist books, performances, and video installations. Since 2013 he is an active member of the Forum Queeres Archiv München. In his quilts, an ongoing series of silkscreen prints, Gufler references artists, scholars and places of queer life that have found little or no place in written accounts and the historical canon.

Recent solo exhibitions include: Unterwerfungen, Kunstraum of the Leuphana University, Lüneburg (2022); Autoerotismus, Kevin Space, Vienna (2020); Andere Geschiedenis volgens Dirjke Kuik en Philipp Gufler, Centraal Museum, Utrecht (2020); It is getting alive, BQ, Berlin (2020); I’m in love with a statue, Françoise Heitsch, Munich (2019); Pleasure Pain, Marwan, Amsterdam (2019). The artist lives and works in Amsterdam. Photography credit: Franzi Müller Schmidt.

Philipp Gufler has been a resident at Delfina Foundation, London (2021), Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture, Maine, USA (2019) and De Ateliers, Amsterdam (2015-2017).

Body/Text, 2023. Installation view

Substitutes. Initiated by Philipp Gufler, 22.4.— 18.6.2023
W139, Amsterdam
Photo: Franziska Müller Schmidt, Amsterdam


TURNING PAIN INTO POWER, 15.10.2022-29.1.2023. Installation view
Merano Arte, Merano
Photo: Ivo Corrà, Merano

IT IS GETTING ALIVE, 11.1.-29.2.2020, BQ, Berlin
Courtesy BQ, Berlin, and the artist
Photo: Roman März, Berlin

Brandhorst Flag Commission, Museum Brandhorst, Munich, 9.9.2023-15.3.2024
Installation view
Photo: Haydar Koyupinar, Munich