Alice Theobald (b. 1985) lives and works in Birmingham, UK. Theobald works across a wide range of media including live performance, video, installation, sound, text and sculpture and composes music and soundtracks for her works. Her work fluctuates between script and improvisation and highlights the unstable relationship between art, communication and representation. She is also co-founder of the music/artist-collective Ravioli Me Away. In 2019, they created the alt- opera The View from Behind the Futuristic Rose Trellis which toured the UK to Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge;; BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead;; The Box Plymouth and Block Universe, The Albany, Deptford. Recent solo exhibitions include: IL Y AURA (There will be), South London Gallery, London, 2022 and Gaudel de Stampa, Paris, 2022.
Eddy Frankel, 'Alice Theobald: Il Y Aura (There Will Be), Time Out Says', Time Out , 7 March 2022
In Focus
Jonathan P Watts, 'Focus: Alice Theobald', Frieze, 1st June 2015.
I’ve Said Yes Now, That’s It, 2014, performance documentation, outpost Offsite, Norwich. Courtesy: the artist, Pilar Corrias, London, and OUTPOST, Norwich; Photograph: Andy Crouch